This is the Season of Gathering not Withdrawing

This is the time of gathering unto
and not of withdrawal.
It has been necessary to cloister yourself from men
and withdraw from the crowds in times past.
I am changing that assignment today.
Take your staff in your hand,
Find the sons of the prophets, and
Make yourself known.
I said it is TIME to check in with the sons of the prophets, says the Father.
You didn’t meet all their expectations;
but they have been through some things since you last heard from them.
You are going to find they now have a hearing ear,
and they will extend an open hand of fellowship.
Don’t hold it against them, says the Father;
they are not wolves in sheep’s clothing;
they are just stunted sheep.
They didn’t have good rearing,
and the ones responsible for maturing them
just chose to FLEECE THEM instead.
I am going to deal with the false shepherds, says the Father, and
they are going to smart so much under the blows,
they are going to come to talk to YOU
about how to get loose and out from under.
So, don’t add salt to their wounds.
They belong to Me.
Just love them
and set them free from their self-imposed suffering.
Conclusion: I will take it from there.

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