Piercing Deeply into the Kingdom of Darkness with My Word as Arrows of Light

Beloved, I have been training you, My Warrior. Sometimes you do not realize how much you have grown in grace and goodness, in wisdom and knowledge, both in the natural and the spiritual. You have favor with God and man. Though much has come against you and the enemy...

This is a Time of Grace for Revival and A Time of Fiercely Righteous Reckoning/Judgment

Fault lines have been triggered for a full shaking of the Nations. Amanda Grace – Jan. 27, 2025 This is a Time of Grace for Revival and A Time of Fiercely Righteous Reckoning/Judgment[1]  The Spirit of the Lord says this day,                               Hebrew...

A Crucial Word: A Fiercely Righteous Reckoning

ALL glory, honor and praise be to the Lord of Hosts, creator of the heavens and the earth. The earth cries out to its creator, the spirit of the Lord wanders to and from across the earth. His eyes wander because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof!...

Judgment and Deliverance in a Day

 The persecuting spirit has gone forth in this hour with an army.  The seducing spirits in this hour have gone forth with an army to mobilize and surround all those I have called… In order to suddenly take them down near the beginning of November on into what you call...


POTUS OBAMA & D. TRUMP’s INVOLVEMENT IN CHILD TRAFFICKING – From Notices Published in Maryland Stated UCCs & in New York Surrogate Court Public/Private Legal Records 1) Whistleblower’s (WBO) Published Summary of Child Trafficking Evidence in HAWAII...

The Departments of Justice and Law Shall Be Written Over

The is prophecy just in from the Courts of Heaven bolsters our stand as Prophecy Keepers. We Moved, Moved, Moved in faith and were instantly rewarded with this word of encouragement that help is on the way from the Almighty. The whole Prophetic message this came from...

WE Are the Ones

Heidi Lapray of Maui was give this song by inspiration to inspire the people of Lahaina, Hawai’I to Stand up to the evil that had come upon them, as their trusted protectors and become their executioners. So now we have the words in a song that has great value and...

Maui Update – A Call For Speaking Up And Telling The Truth from John and Bonnie, Awakenvideo Friday Nite Live Stream –

We are dedicating this coming Friday’s Live Stream to updating the world on the continuous war being raged against the indigenous and citizenry of Maui and specifically those areas militarily attacked with Directed Energy Weapons. We have seen that now main stream...

Cracking the “REDEMPTION” Code by Three Rivers and Howard Bertram

Documentary on Today’s “Money Changers” – Historic Bonds Redemption – Malaysia There is such a tie-in to Kennedy’s Assassination, 9/11 and aspects of the Plandemic concerning the IOUs due from banks around the world in 2019 and that have been...


We were told in prophecy to gather the nations because the world is falling apart. It was called The Call of the Drum. Another prophecy that says Hawaii is going to become a lighthouse. We’re working with the native Americans in Canada, North America and South America – more than 500 indigenous nations.

We’re trying to fulfill an old ancient prophecy of the seven fires. The seventh prophecy says the white man and red man need to come together in peace to keep the seventh fire lit. 

 We are prophecy keepers.

The Call of the Drum was received in October 2022. The Hawaii Nation under the trusteeship of Dr 3 Rivers is probably going to go down in world history — the UCC Filing of June 23rd 2023 that went against the Dept. of Homeland Security UCC Filing. If the UCC filing manifests it will be a game-changer, and the stewardship of those monies will make the HWN nation the main custodian. In 2018 under Trump, there is a document for 21 Trillion $ that paid off the national debt. The prophecy of Hawaii, coupled with the uCC filing which was accepted around the world will be a game-changer. If it moves forward it’s going to happen very quickly.




The HawaiiNation welcomes all nations and individuals from under the Sun to our community of friendship and renewal. Here we are gathering together in the Alo’ha spirit, to restore justice, balance, peace, and joy to our troubled planet.