Guilty of genocide, as you have killed your own people, and others of your sister nations.  

GUILT FIRE! Is Among the Nations

Among the nations, Guilt Fire!

 What is Guilt Fire?

You have killed your own people,

 and different nations around the world  

and you are guilty.

Guilty… Before heaven

 Before God and

 Before the earth.

Your trial is set in hell.

 You have been weighed in the balance  

and found wanting.

Therefore, Guilt Fire is upon your heads.

 The blood of thousands rests upon your hands.

You are no less guilty than Pol Pot1 

 and any other genocidal leader.

Your local leaders did it for gain.

Welcome to hell, for:

 You rejected the blood,

 You rejected redemption and

 Your plan on releasing death again.

Will there be another war?


But not like you thing.

Different leaders will now die  

 and leave the scene.

And for you the war is over.

 You should not have involved the children.

Did you think murdering My heritage was O.K?

All right. [Now, that said,]

 Why was there no fear of God within your eyes;

 nor of the angel of the Lord?

For you thought you were Satan incarnate…

 Well, you are not!

For every demonic spirit that possess every tyrant…

 their dream is to be the anti-Christ.

But you, puny demon, are not.

 You are nothing…

 and will fall short of the one who possesses Obama.


1 Pol Pot: He was widely denounced internationally for his role in the Cambodian genocide; and he was  also regarded as a totalitarian dictator who was guilty of crimes against humanity.

Enforcement of FIN’s Nuremburg 2.0 Tribunal – October 1, 2023

Guilty of genocide, as you have killed your own people, and others of your sister nations.  

Now you will be left.

 Remember Kamala… they will betray you.

You will not get what they promised.

Turn back to God

Turn back to the God your grandfather and grandmother knew.

 The living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

 The God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ King of Glory.


The American Indian is in the rise. 

 “What? (I heard someone say)

I thought we had them down and defeated.”

Nay, sayeth the Lord.

 I called them back because they are needed.2 

 Now you [tyrants] can take their place [on reservations].

Who is McCarthy to New World of the Spirit?

 A temporary place holder3 waiting for something else to come. To the Republicans it is a theater show.

To you Republicans and Democrats it is circus.

To you it is a theater show,  

 and you playoff of the introductions,

 But wait for the final curtain…

 and you will see who remains standing for Me, sayeth the Lord.

Guilt Fire,

 You “lobby” for death and try to legislate life,

 when all the time My word is the authority of life.

But you won’t look at it,  

 instead you lobby for death.

And try to legislate life.

 Now you will have death in your “lobbying”,  

you will see, sayeth the Lord.

Prophet, Robin Bullock – Sept. 15, 2023


2 Hear the Call of the Drum” Nov. 2022, prophecy by Barry Wunsch to gather the indigenous nations. &

3 McCarthy’s vacant position is the temporary “place holder” to hold back the budget hearings until  Babylon the Great Falls. Thus, allowing the American Indians to take back their stolen Indian Country.

Enforcement of FIN’s Nuremburg 2.0 Tribunal – October 1, 2023

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