Censuring the Censors

“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” Henry Kissinger

Our Horror Movie, “The Great Taking” has Come to Its End

In 2024, “We the people… stand at the threshold of a “brave new world,” ordered by today’s prophecies further direct our Creators’ end times’ Biblical harvest prophecies; but especially Rev. 18’s “BABYLON the GREAT is fallen” and Joel’s “Blow the trumpet in Zion…” and chapter 3’s “in the Valley of Decision…” They have given a boy as payment for a harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they may drink… (Joel 3: 3) they have shed innocent blood in their land (v. 19).” For her terrorism and child trafficking: ‘Recompense her as she also has rendered; and pay back double to her, twofold according to her works; and in the (poisoned) cup which she has mixed, mix double to her.’ (Rev. 18:6).

The Hawai’I Nation with (FIN) the Federation of Indigenous Nations’ world court is now at the point of fulfilling: 1) Veronika West, 11/8/2021, prophecy that “Hawaii will become a lighthouse, beacon of hope and divine deliverance for all nations; and 2) What President JFK fought and sacrificed his life for, i.e.: “There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” – JFK’s statement seven days before his assassination.

Hawai’I ‘s Trustee and FIN’s Chief Justice, Three Rivers, having discovered:

1) undeniable, egregious proof of JFK’s announced plot in a hidden, coded, fraudulent, 2011, 14.3 Quadrillion, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC-1) secured creditor document filed by the Obama/Biden’s Administration’s U.S. DOD Military and Home Land Security Inc. It proclaimed human enslavement under private Roman Catholic Canon Laws 2038 to 2058’s issuing of counterfeit Birth Certificates’ justifying that all our children’s hands, legs and land, etc. are to be used as their U.S.’s corporation’s collateral. A surety upon which they could print fake money, i.e. “legal tender;” and also

2) a similar, but more just 2017, 300 trillion, UCC-1 filing by General Zeleny during POTUS Donald Trump’s 2017 administration; and

3) Zeleny used 21 trillion of it to pay off our alleged 21 Trillion National Debt; but hia check it was dishonored; however

4) In international law a legally tendered offer to pay, though ignored, still pays off.

Given this evidence of terrorists, “child traffickers” and pedophiles that maliciously manufacture their collateral securities for sale on the stock market, said trustee and FIN justice, with the aid of the FIN court, acting as prosecutor, held another Nuremburg 2.o type hearing which ‘over turned these money changers’ (U.S. Treasury’s) den of thieves’ tables (Matt. 21:12-13). To expose such Hitler era type military atrocities, he filed for the Hawai’I Nation on behalf of FIN in June of 2023, a UCC-1 for 14.3 Quintillion to expose said enslaving and undo the “skull and bones” pirates’ horror movie, documentary “The Great Taking” agenda.

FIN’s Nuremburg 2.o court, acting in comity with the Supreme Court of the United States, has placed all the above before it in its Role and Power as an equal Inter-national Court under its 1789 Original Venue and Jurisdiction. This is a court that was created and operated to serve the original 13 Colonies; not the original 500 First Native American Nations who had their own, separate justice system, like the Iroquois League. Hawai’I and FIN intervened as “real parties in interest” in the ongoing censorship case that was originally filed by the state of Missouri in MO v. Biden, using a whistle-blowers Writ of Qui Tam/Amicus Curie, as a friend of the court.

Given our above Censored “hands and legs,” base on the U.S. Inc.s’ corrupt “fiction of law” monetary system, FIN’s move to intervene is vital to restoring our divine, un-alienable rights and freedoms. It has become a venue “wild card” for said colonists’ SCOTUS tribunal, as it must now put on its international robes and follow the Biblical Maxims of the divine common laws of nations to lawfully adjudicate this case; or become complicit in the ongoing censoring, censuring and genocide by lethal propa-ganda injections, both physical and mental.

As this is just a short news release introduction to the solution to the corruption of the Americas (our Turtle Island), everyone will have to wake-up from “The Great Taking” movie they are in and start re-educating themselves and their children to come on board in helping complete JFK’s dream of a non-fiction, peaceful, thriving New World Order (NWO) for their children and grandchildren. Why are we complicit in subsidizing with our own “hands and legs” taxes our own doom with: 1) Truth censored, C-19’s lethal injections; and 2) In allowing the 10,000 illegals per day pouring into the USA to replace the American people (link).

Ask yourself: Why do the illegals not have to be tested for C-19 or wear a mask, etc? They are today’s 1830’s mercenary army of Andrew Jackson’s day that slaughtered and came close to wiping the First People off the map. As history repeats itself that same massacre is about to make an evil calamity comeback; but the land taking and genocide this time will be from white tax payers and lower-class government workers… all for free land, nice vacant homes and welfare.

With your added voices we are cutting of the head of the Babylonian snake here. Only time and the number of concerned citizens standing up and speaking out to their leaders will decide our trafficked children’s future. Hopefully it will end our Wizard of Oz censorship’s charade monopoly game with – “Game Over!”

Attached are the links to the volumes of evidence that once understood will generate the power of Hawaiian ho’o pono-pono’s restorative balance and power of Aloha’s love and justice originally intended by Akua, God Creator to fully establish as prophesied His long awaited physical “Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.”

The Hawai’I Nation’s WebPage Blog @ https://gatheringofnations.net

SaraWesthall.Substack.com on the Base of the NOW Financial System @ https://sarahwestall.com/ucc-filing-for-entire-nwo-financial-system-analyzed-by-former-chief-justice-of-the-cherokee-nation/

Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show @ https://thecommonsenseshow.com/agenda-21-conspiracy-economics/ucc-filing-entire-nwo-financial-system-analyzed-former-chief-justice-cherokee-nation

PACER – Federal Courts Case Files on Line – Case No. 23-411

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