Arise and Resound His Glory and Presence!



First Nations Indigenous People:  

“Arise and Resound His Glory and Presence!” Katie Dunstan | May 21, 2022 – NSW, Australia

In these times, I believe the Lord is INCREASING and RELEASING His voice, with  great authority, through His “first fruits” people groups of the land. He is raising up His  sold out, set apart, Indigenous burning ones; and releasing HIS VOICE to set nations  ablaze for Jesus.

Recently, the Lord took me up into an encounter, and I was looking down  on my nation of Australia. By the Spirit of God, I knew that this encounter  was for Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and other Indigenous  people to the lands.

His Glory Released Through the First Nations Indigenous People

I could see glory mist rising up from the land across the nation. As my spiritual eyes  zoomed in closer to the land, in the midst of the glory, I could see people dancing, and I  heard a glorious sound. It was the First Nations Indigenous people of the land,  worshiping and dancing in their cultural way; the dust of the land spraying up as their  feet hit the ground. The glory of the Lord was released into the land as they stomped in  the dance. The glory spread and filled the land of the nation (see Habakkuk 2:14).

The First Nations people carry a glory that is unique to the land. This glory  is about to be released into the nations, and I believe it is a powerful,  ancient key to unlock the awakening of nations.

The Rhythm of an Ancient Aloha Love

The overwhelming sense which surrounded me was that these First Nation countrymen  and women were dancing to the rhythm of an ‘ancient love’ that compelled them to arise  (Isa. 60) and dance with song; an ancient love that wooed them and drew them back to  their first love, Jesus.

“Break forth with dancing! Make music and sing  

God’s praises with the rhythm of the drums!

For He enjoys His faithful lovers. He adorns the

humble with His beauty, and He loves to give them  

victory.” (Psalm 149:3-4 TPT) (Photo via Piqsels)

“We love Him, because He first loved us.” (1 John  

4:19 KJV)

An Intergenerational Love Drawn from an Ancient Timeline

This ancient love seemed to rise from deep within the age-old layers of this land. It felt  to me like an intergenerational love for our Creator was being drawn from an ancient  timeline, up through the feet of the First Nations people, and released into the “now”  timeline. It was being released through their dance, their song and their hands.

As we all join hands and hearts, the love of God will become known through our lives in  the present day. We will be known by the fruit of this ancient love of God; the one who  loved us before the foundations of the earth. This intergenerational, ancient love is  reigniting within the people.

During this whole encounter, I was surrounded with a strong sense of surrender and  being positioned right in the center of a place that beckons, “Draw near to Me and I will  draw near to you” (see James 4:8).

Ancient Strongholds Broken

As the perfect love of God poured out through the land and the people, the sheer power  of this pure love caused ancient strongholds to be broken off of the land and the people.  The land itself was breaking free from shackles and being saturated and soaked in the  love and the pure goodness of God.

Unearthing His Hidden Treasures

The love of God was washing away all reproach and revealing these priceless treasures.

“I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my  cry. He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out of the  miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and  establishing my goings. And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our  God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident  reliance in the Lord.” (Psalm 40:1-3 AMPC)

I believe the Lord is unearthing His hidden treasures.  

These hidden treasures are the First Nations  

voices of the Land, which are being unearthed  

from the lower layers of the land, causing them to  


Once hidden, now they will be lifted up from the miry  

clay to decree and declare the Word of the Lord, and to  

display His splendor. (Photo via Pxfuel)

First Nations Awakened Sons Shift Into Destiny

What I was seeing was the First Nations awakened sons and daughters shifting into  destiny, arising from the land with a dance of deliverance, a strong song and a new  voice.

“O God, my saving God, deliver me fully from every sin, even the sin that brought  bloodguilt. Then my heart will once again be thrilled to sing the passionate songs of joy  and deliverance!” (Psalm 51:14 TPT)


First Nations people, I decree that the shackles have now been broken off of  you. Arise and dance! First Nations people, break forth with dancing and worship to  the Lord (see Psalm 149:3-4 TPT)!

I decree, you have been lifted out of the pit of destruction, your feet have been set upon  the rock of Jesus and He has established your goings (see Psalm 40:1-3 AMP). Arise and  resound – no longer bound!

I decree, the Lord has put a new song of praise to the one true living God in your mouth.  You have now put your trust and confident reliance in the Lord God Almighty. You see  Him, you revere Him, and you worship Him alone (see Psalm 40:1-3 AMP).

First Nations sons and daughters, arise and shift into destiny, with a dance of  deliverance and a strong song, boldly decreeing the Word of the Lord with your new  voice!

Katie Dunstan

Breakfree Australia


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Katie Dunstan is a First Nation Indigenous Christian leader, prophetic preacher,  and revivalist. She serves as a founder of Breakfree Australia, a pioneering founder of  “Prophetic Voices of the Land,” and the author of “ANCIENT KEYS TO A NEW SOUND  RISING FROM THE LAND.” Katie sits on the Australian Prophetic Council and is part  of ARC Global.

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