God’s Spirit Oil Pouring into the Indigenous First Nations

WATCH, There is an indigenous, first peoples movement being released upon the land.

Prophetic word of October 10, 2022, 

the 1st day of the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles 2022:

I heard a war drum. I heard the call to gather. I heard the sacred drum reverberate throughout the land. This was a call to gather that had never been released like it was on this day. I saw it resound through reserves. I saw it resound through cities and towns and onto the waters; every shoreline, every island and every mountain top. I watched as this frequency touched all of creation. Wildlife stopped to listen to the call and the sound being released. I watched as bears, eagles, deer, moose, elk and other birds and animals [our relatives] stopped and turned, fixed on the call.

I was taken to the drum; it was in a meadow where I saw a warrior angel dressed in First Nations regalia sitting at it. As he played, I watched angelic hosts come in from the North, the South, the East and the West. These angels looked fierce, like nothing I have ever seen! I would not want to come against them!

They circled the drum in the middle of the meadow, dancing and worshiping the Lord God Almighty. As they gathered and the sound grew, the Spirit of God was released across the nations.

Then the slumbering giant began to stir! I saw this giant that had been sleeping in the mountains [plural] begin to awaken as the sound stirred its spirit. The giant was soon wide awake and had rubbed the sleep out of its eyes; it was refreshed and its feet were ready to go!

As it stood up, I saw that it was adorned in royal First Nations regalia with a chief’s headdress and war bonnet on its head. As he rose and lifted his hands to the Father in response, it was not long before he was on his knees. I watched as the Spirit of God was poured into the First Nations. There was a supernatural encounter by the Spirit of God that was pouring out healing deep inside this First Nations giant – healing, deliverance and restoration. It was incredible.

The giant was frozen in this time of outpouring, with oil saturating every inch of it! The regalia was so drenched in holy oil, it ran off onto the ground where this First Nations giant stood; and every step it made… oil was spread across the land.

“Behold, one and all…the release and the awaking of the First Nations are upon you! 

Behold them… and the gift they are unto the Body! [the Body of Christ]

For there is a movement being released upon the land with power and authority that will destroy 

every bondage that has kept the nations bound.

Watch as they take their place!       Hebrew list of 4 = watch the world

Watch as governments and legislators shake apart,

as this sleeping giant awakes! 

Watch as regions come to life! 

Watch as I redeem all that the enemy has stolen! 

This is the day that you have been waiting for! 

Restore!         Hebrew list of 3 = Elohim’s Divine power



Holy is the word of the Lord.           A Hebrew Poetic Sorite’ of 5 word pairs = grace

Spiritual meanings of each important Vision Metaphors & Symbols:

Sleeping Giant: awakening of the “Strongman” to Spirit and Truth (Ezekiel 37:1-14) – spiritual warfare, combined Great Spirit of the Indigenous United Nations (IUN) called forth to save the world and all humanity.

Mountains: (plural) sleeping giant’s home of each tribal nations’ individual, separate governments now called to gather, to unity and to brotherhood (Ezekiel 37:15-28’s two sticks joined together), possibly Mt. Zion (Joel 2:32, Isaiah 2:2-3), God’s dwelling place (Ezekiel 37:27-28), where the divine laws are kept and honored.

Sacred War Drum: calling signal, communication by frequency in tune with earth mother’s resonance, a divine call to all Spiritual Warriors to gather for spiritual warfare against the principalities and powers of deceit, genocide and darkness, a signal… announcing: There is a movement being released upon the land.

Dancing: Indigenous Worship (Psalm 149:3) – every step is prayer that fits with drum beats, angelic victory dance.

Angelic Hosts: angels sent on a divine mission, signifying the first nations will not be alone in this battle for freedom from bondage, assurance of victory and restoration of all that had been lost along the trails of tears and broken treaties.

Oil: blessings of healing (Jer. 3:22) being poured into the first nations and their land, bringing blessings, healing and deliverance from toxins and bondage… see the camels are coming… (Isaiah 60: 1-6)

Reserves: the sacred drum’s calling resounded in the reservations, regions first… then to cities and towns… then onto all of God’s creation.

Thru Barry Wunsch, The Canadian Hammer
Email: bhwunsch@gmail.com – Facebook Ministry Page: Click here

Barry Wunsch is a Canadian prophet and businessman. He has a father’s heart and a love for family and community, bringing words of hope,restoration and healing to many. Barry has a deep love for Canada and the heart of a reformer. He is part of the Frontline Church in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada, a prophetic community who have gathered the Ecclesia for 20 years, hosting some of Canada’s largest prophetic gatherings. Barry brings words for individuals and regions; and is a prophetic voice for Canada thru social media. 


Veronika West, Ireland – November 8,2021, Prophecy

I saw Hawaii as a lighthouse; a beacon of hope and divine deliverance in the midst of the dark storms that will rage across the nations of the world in the coming days. God says,

Hawaii will see an explosion of God’s glory 

      that will capture the attention of the world. 

A tidal wave of God’s redemptive power will hit Hawaii, 

      causing the islands of the earth 

      to be shaken and shifted into perfect alignment

    with the end-time purposes of God.



  • Lighthouse: guidance through dangerous stormy times.
  • Beacon: of light and hope shining out to all nations.
  • Hawai’I: the Nation of Aloha – Alo = to gather, or meet; ha = breath of God,

Thus, when we gather individually or collectively there is always a humble    spirit presence to be honored in our midst and words to one another.

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