2024, A New Dawn Cracks Upon Your Horizon

Russ Walden – January 12, 2024

A new dawn cracks upon your horizon, (Isa. 60:1-5)

      one painted not with the hues of past shadows;

but with the radiant colors of destiny.

Lay down the worn map of your yesterdays,

      for it no longer charts your course.

I am the Architect of eternity,

      holding aloft the blueprint of your being,

etched with unwavering precision before the world itself took a breath.

No storm, no struggle, no doubts of man or fiend

      can mar the lines I’ve drawn.

Open your eyes, My child,

      let them adjust to the brilliance I shower upon you.

Unplug your ears from the static of earthly pronouncements,

       for I speak truths that transcend mere mortal utterance.

Heed not the siren calls of fear and limitation,

      for I have drowned them out with a symphony of

favor, blessing, and power.

My mantle enfolds you, woven with threads of purpose

      and hope, self-fulfilling in its radiant embrace.

Do not flinch at the biting winds of adversity,

      at the cracks in the facade of the world.

My hand, firm and unwavering, reaches through,

      plucking you from the mire and

      setting you upon solid ground.

The tears you’ve shed, the prayers you’ve uttered,

      haven’t gone unheard.

This hour, I answer, bringing

      the change you’ve craved,                             Poetic ct/pt of 11 = transition, change

      the upgrade you’ve cried out for.

Remember, Child, you are not adrift in a storm-tossed sea;

      but cradled in My arms, sheltered by My love.

Trust in the compass set within your soul,

      the one that points true north,

forever drawn to the beacon of My light.

Let go of:

      the burdens you’ve carried,

      the anxieties that gnaw,

      the doubts that whisper self-defeat.

I am here, now,

      not some distant deity;

But a present Father,

      holding out My hand,

      beckoning you forward.

Step into this new day, My child,

      with eyes wide and heart aflame.

The path ahead may seem uncharted, the challenges untamed;

      but I walk beside you.

Each step you take echoes in the halls of heaven,

      a testament to the unfolding of My grand design.

Fear not, for I am with you;

      and in Me, you have overcome.


“A Season of Transformation & Rebirth Is Coming to America!”

Charlie Shamp, Moravian Falls, NC   |   Jan 12, 2024

“Fear not, for I am with you in this hour of uncertainty and turmoil. Though they speak of a red dawn and the day of the dragon, I declare to you that this is the day of the roar of the Lord. I am moving in power and authority to bring about justice and righteousness in your nation.

“Do not be swayed by the voices of fear and confusion. The enemy is busy at work sowing seeds of division and deception, but I am exposing the works of darkness. I am striking at the scales of justice, bringing to light the hidden agendas and schemes of the enemy.

“Communism, demonic entities, and the UFO deception will try to infiltrate and influence, but I am greater than any force of darkness. My light exposes their lies and reveals the truth. Stand firm in the truth of My Word and do not be deceived.https://images.elijahlist.com/email_images/freephoto_american_flag_dramatic_sky_300px_Pxfuel.jpg

“America will go through a time of great darkness. It will be a period of intense trials and challenges, where the forces of darkness will seek to exert their influence. But even in the midst of this darkness, there is hope. (Photo via Pxfuel)

Just as a birthing canal is a place of pain and struggle, it is also the pathway to new life. In the same way, the darkness that America will face in 2024 will be the birthing canal for a new season of transformation and rebirth.

“I am doing a deep work in the hearts of the people of America. I am shaking the foundations and exposing the hidden sins and injustices. This process may be painful and uncomfortable, but it is necessary for true change to occur.

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